3 hours ago
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Always Kinky: Never the Jheri
As I wade through many different seasons that produce different hair textures I accidentally ventured to the place one should never go. I co-washed my hair with the usual Herbal Essence Hello Hydration and proceded to detangle and twist out. I applied the Olive Oil Leave in Moisturizer then I blew it dry, no brush, because I was pressed for time. I only dried it 80% as always. A 5 piece Twist-Out curled with Flexi Rods like I do often.......When I woke up and took the set out.....Uhhhh who ordered the Jheri Curl? My hair was completely dry but it hung and the curls were very relaxed. I enjoyed how the hair moved but it was greasy and very Wave Nuvouish. I retraced my steps and it all comes down to the Olive Oil Leave in Moisturizer. My hair was not used to this unless it was being Ceremically Treated so I guess it protested. This has been a lesson learned. I am not saying that this product is bad, #imjustsayin I used it for the wrong purpose.
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