18 hours ago
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Always Kinky: Review Liquid Love
At the Natural Hair Show in Atlanta, I was able to connect with the PR rep from Liquid Love. She gave me some full size samples of the Curl Activator and the Gel. While I have not tried the Gel I did play around in the Curl Activator. I think I used a bit to much and need to use the product more often in order to really give suggestions on when to use it. It did "activate" my curls so it would be good to use as a wash-n-go or wash-n-sleep. What I would not use this for is any sort of twist out. The product has glycerin (not a bad ingredient) that holds in moisture. In a twist out I like to let my hair dray about 80-95% before I twist it. This product took FOREVER to dry on my hair. I can't wait to use this product in the summer or near the beach. A little goes a long way so I do see using this product in the future.
Always Kinky: Hair Banding
While watching some You Tube I saw that some people stretch their hair using rubber bands or hair ties. So of course I had to try it. What I couldn't recall was what type of product was added to the hair prior to the "Banding". Trial and Error left me up to chance. I co-washed with (Tresseme' thermal treatment) and rinsed almost completely. I applied Liquid Love (review to come) and banded my hair into 5 sections. I slept over night praying for it to dry by the morning. In the morning…need I say…..the hair did not dry. The product used kept my hair a little to moisturized for the desired task. So I "unbanded" and the hair was in fact stretched. But it was all in vain because it would not dry that way. Thank God for my expertise with nothing but a bobby pin and some cute blush on my cheeks (it fixes everything). Tonight, now that my hair is dry I will braid my hair in two sections and see how this stretching works. The purpose of this whole process was to stretch without the use of heat so all in all I think it would work with a product with less glycerin.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Always Kinky: Pollen Woes
A conversation with my mommy ( a post loc TWA wearing lady) gave me an idea that I wanted to share. I have been having serious sinus issues and have developed a love affair with the Neti Pot. (Yeah it's gross, but I love to see what comes out). Here is the conversation:
Mommy (who is in the medical profession): your allergies wouldn't be so bad if you washed your hair more often.
Me( having just co-washed for a set of unruly perfect curls): Whaaaah? *crazy eyes*
Mommy: With all that hair you have flying around I am sure you put that pollen all over your pillow and sheets. That's why your sinuses are worse at night.
Me: Hmmmph
I love my Mommy but she has a TWA, this took me back to my college days (when I kept my hair shorter than a TWA). It brings a new meaning to the wash-n-go. So I now have more reasons to cut my hair short…(like I needed more). Maybe it would cut down on my sinusitis and free me from my nightly Neti-pot rendezvous'!
Say Cheese Mommy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Always Kinky:World Natural Hair Show in Atlanta
There are so many perks of living here in Atlanta, I would have never guessed that the Natural Hair Show would be one of them. This past weekend I had a blast at the show. There were tons of people, vendors, performances and Products GALORE!!!
I will be exploring some of the samples and products that I encountered this past weekend in the next few blog posts. If you were not able to attend the event it is a must do for natural and un-natural haired people.
Check out the YouTube vlog!
I will be exploring some of the samples and products that I encountered this past weekend in the next few blog posts. If you were not able to attend the event it is a must do for natural and un-natural haired people.
Check out the YouTube vlog!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Always Kinky: VO5 vs Herbal Essences
As much as I love Hello Hydration by Herbal Essences I have been checking out other products. Before I reached down in my pocket for another $5 to replenish my Hello Hydration, I decided I would risk .88 cents on VO5 Split Ends Treatment Conditioner. Check out my You Tube Review to see the consistency of each conditioner.
Hello Hydration Herbal Essences
Thick and Nourishing, it is a staple for my hair. I love how it leaves my hair feeling soft and when I mix it with water it gives my hair a very light feeling as well. I have never been a fan of the heavy product look so with this a little goes a long way. I have not seen it less than $4.99 in Target, CVS, Walgreens but I did catch this product for $4.00 in Walmart.
Alberto V05 Split Ends Treatment Conditioner

Not as thick as the other product. Vo5 Leaves the hair feeling light and soft. It works really well on my hair for a Curly Twist Out or a Wash and Go because it dries faster than the other product.
The cost is what really makes the two products a toss up. Would I use 5 bottles of V05 before I use one bottle of Hello Hydration? I doubt it so if you are looking for a cheaper option V05 is a better choice. Overall: I think both of these products are worth trying out to see what is best for you! I like them both J